Carla is a recovering economist, aspiring cartoonist and the founder of Tall Tale Pictures. After honing her creative side for 15 years teaching economics in the university, she began a writing and filmmaking career, starting first as script and continuity supervisor on many films before trying her own hand at screenplay writing and directing. She wrote and directed the Star Citizen fan show, Galactic Inquiry, and her first short film is currently in the festival circuit where it has won two Best Comedy awards, including Best International Zombie Short.
When the fans of Star Citizen rose up against their Creator, Carla was swept up in the tsunamic crowd and deposited on a beach far from any cell phone tower. Using an ice skate recovered from the wreckage, Carla scratched out the first 42 chapters of her epic best selling novel, Casting Call. Carla was recently invited to dine with the Queen where she claimed she would demonstrate excellent table manners.