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Who We Are

Carla Siegle

producer . writer . director

meet carla

Dan Siegle

producer . vfx

meet dan

Michael Morlan

producer . DoP . editor

meet michael

What We Do

Web Videos

Getting your product or service in front of millions is no longer exclusively achieved through broadcast TV. With the web and social media, you have an immediate, more personal, cost-effective video delivery method.

Your product or company needs that front page video that plays when arriving at your site, we’ve got the knowledge, experience, and the creative to make your perfect pitch video.

Event & Sizzle Videos

Event and sizzle videos can inspire and rally a captive audience around something they all care about. They’re an opportunity to play with your organization’s characters and groups with stories and humor. Event and sizzle videos can provide a vehicle for surprise—and inside jokes. Or tell complex or emotional stories that grab your audience.


The 30-second and 60-second commercial is an art unto itself. Because they are so short, every shot takes on an importance not seen in longer format videos.

We love the challenge of capturing an audience’s attention and telling a compelling story, especially when that attention is being pulled by hundreds of channels and show options. There is a real opportunity to capture a brand, highlight a product and leave them wanting more with a call to action.

Branding Videos

When introducing your company to a new client or customer you have a big opportunity to make a positive and lasting impression. Enter the branding video; an effective and compelling way to visually tell your unique story.

We work closely with you to fully understand your brand promise so that you can create meaningful and emotional connections with your customers. We do this through good storytelling to make your brand unforgettable.

Narrative Films

Telling emotional and intelligent stories is our most passionate pursuit.

Stories inform and excite, teach us about ourselves, and help us reach for something beyond our existence. We love to discover the essence of a character and guide them through a journey to new awareness and understanding.

We hope you’ll enjoy the narrative fancies we sometimes create just for fun.

Graphic & Web Design

Designing the look and feel of a video depends on understanding the context within which it will be viewed. And, with a website rich in visual features, an embedded video has a lot of context within which to play.

We will visually design your video to perfectly serve your website, event, and social channels.

And, we’ve been know to design a website or two.

Ready to get started? tell us your story