Big projects motivate me rather than intimidate me, which is probably the first sign that I am a very stupid person. Oh well, we live but once, eh? The next big project on the list is a black comedy narrative film. I’ve given it the working title, “The Hee Haw Gang.” I am currently writing the script and I’ll chronicle its progress here for anyone who’s interested. Our status today is: no script, no money. Ha.
….the greatest challenge for me as a writer is not chronicling the hilarities of the ‘Hee Haw Gang’ – their behavior strikes me as perfectly rational – but the husband who was hoodwinked for so long…
The story is based on a true crime story, a la Fargo, that I first read about in a local Texas magazine. A Dallas man who was having an affair hired an East Texas man he he didn’t know to kill his wife. The funny part is how this East Texas man and his extended family managed to string the wannabe wife-killer along for over two years and almost 3 million dollars without ever killing his wife. And the greatest challenge for me as a writer is not chronicling the hilarities of the ‘Hee Haw Gang’ – their behavior strikes me as perfectly rational – but the husband who was hoodwinked for so long. My solution is to surmise that he may have been massively conflicted and gone back and forth many times over the years in his resolve, the way a person engaging in elicit sexual activity might before and after orgasm.
Stay tuned…