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Zombie Jesus at the Festivals

Bill Hass is the organizer of the Forth Worth Indie Film Fest, and when I met him last month, he had a sorta dazed look in his eyes. “I just have to tell you that I really enjoyed your film,” he told me, “but I had to watch it twice to appreciate it.” He laughed. “The first time I was just a little like, what?” I thought Love your Enemies Boot Camp was such a great idea: “Ten weeks to a more loving you!” Zombie Jesus is not about Christianity; it’s about loving your enemies using friendly zombies and confused…
Carla Siegle
August 17, 2016

The Hee Haw Gang

Big projects motivate me rather than intimidate me, which is probably the first sign that I am a very stupid person. Oh well, we live but once, eh? The next big project on the list is a black comedy narrative film. I’ve given it the working title, “The Hee Haw Gang.” I am currently writing the script and I’ll chronicle its progress here for anyone who’s interested. Our status today is: no script, no money. Ha. ....the greatest challenge for me as a writer is not chronicling the hilarities of the ‘Hee Haw Gang’ – their behavior strikes me as…
Carla Siegle
August 17, 2016